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New year, new chapter

New year, new chapter

2019 has just started and we are already full of hopes and goals for this new year.

December was a busy month for us at MarzeeLabs and we are ready to start a new chapter.

To start 2019, we have moved MarzeeLabs legal entity from Spain to Portugal. For a few years now, our team has been operating mainly from Portugal. Thus, it made sense for us to move MarzeeLabs to Portugal. From the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean, we made sure we continued to be close to the sea.

The new year started with a full agenda and we have great news:

We have started a brand new project funded by the European Commission under the Social Challenges Innovation Platform programme. MarzeeLabs was selected to solve a social and environmental challenge from Tournai, Belgium.

Our solution: MarzeeLabs will develop an online platform aiming to solve the food waste problem that affects the urban and modern world by addressing the lack of connection between companies with surplus food and social associations that will redistribute them to people in need. Seeking to create awareness and foster action around food waste, Re-seed makes possible for social organisations to create an online hub to facilitate distribution, inventory of goods and to provide authenticity and reachability to the whole process.

We have also delivered a new website for one of our longterm clients, the Branded Entertainment Network (BEN). We used the new WordPress editor, Gutenberg, and delivered a rebranding for BEN's website -


  • [Porto] Thursday, January 24, 2019 - Fullstack Porto 1st edition - In this session, André Freitas will explore How to push data to Frontends with SSE, while Victor Fernandes will question How is possible to push the HTML canvas to the browser limits.
  • [Porto] Wednesday, January 30, 2019 - Product Design 101 - We are very happy to announce the very first event of our community! Product Design 101 with Pedro Gonçalves, Digital Product Designer at Farfetch.
  • [Porto] Tuesday, February 5, 2019 - PHPorto meetup - In this talk, I’m going to show you some tips and tricks to painless evolve your current architecture towards Event Sourcing, one small step at a time. We’ll start from an Hexagonal Architecture application and we’ll end up in the Event Sourcing doors.
  • [Porto] Friday, February 8, 2019 - Porto.UX: The evilness of The Design of Everyday Things - Numa altura em que conceitos como IoT - "Internet of Things" se massificam e entram já no léxico corrente, perguntamo-nos qual a atual realidade dos dispositivos tradicionais de uso mundano? Cada vez mais conectados, compartilhando informações entre si e humanos, o que dizer da maneira como as interfaces estão a ser tratadas do ponto de vista da acessibilidade?
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