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Inspiration February

Inspiration February

We said before and even mentioned it in our Manifesto - "We are good at doing web and we do web for good. We love to embrace new challenges, to solve the unknown and we are always looking for opportunities to inspire and get inspired."

February was a month full of inspiration and experimentation.

We were invited by the Social Challenges Innovation Platform to attend the #SoCamp2 event that took place in Brussels, Belgium from 5 to 6 of February.

We got the chance to meet social entrepreneurs from different European countries and to learn about impact measurement, and impact investment and also how to pitch to investors. On the second day, as part of the activities for the second day, we went to the European Industry Days to meet with potential investors and pitch our product. It was a great adventure and we left Brussels filled with hope for a better world.

While part of our team was freezing in Belgium, our developers at home (Sunny Portugal) were experimenting with new technologies. After over a year working with React, our Luis took the first steps with React Native. Using common technologies we already were familiar with, to create simple applications for mobile devices was a fun experiment. We look forward to applying these skills and develop them further in the next real-world project.


  • [Porto] Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - REACTOR WORKSHOP: Redefining your work culture - Learn specific tools for which you can influence your workplace to be a dynamic, collaborative and caring environment, an environment where people not only want to come to work, but who share their passion with the world around them.
  • [Porto] Friday, February 22, 2019 - Creative Mornings - Preencher Vazios - The CreativeMornings/Porto were created to committed people meet each other, think, work together and to spread the word! We believe in the importance that creative synergies can have in difficult times, making new ideas germinate.
  • [Porto] Thursday, February 21, 2019 - Fullstack Porto 2nd edition - Most of teams who are using scrum struggle to evolve on its practices with time, they stall and their productivity doesn’t goes further. The purpose of the talk is to exploit how can we bring happiness to those teams and start to be not productive but hyperproductive. Let’s find out how using scrum patterns, the teams starts to find a way to go to its infinity & beyond!
  • [Porto] Wednesday, February 27, 2019 - Design inclusivo: menos teoria e mais prática - O David Cruz, que nos vai trazer um workshop sobre Design Inclusivo onde irá abordar o tema acessibilidade de uma forma prática!
  • [Porto] Wednesday, February 28, 2019 - Desafios de uma plataforma de marketing em criar plugins para WordPress - Quando pensamos em plugins queremos ter algo que nos ajude no dia-a-dia. Desde um simples blog, com um formulário de subscrição ou divulgar automaticamente as suas publicações, ao e-commerce que necessita de aumentar as suas conversões.
  • [Porto] Thursday, March 14, 2019 - Porto Codes - Porto Codes is a meetup for local and international programming enthusiasts. The talks are recorded and published with the presenters' consent as one of our goals is to provide programming resources to the community.
Why you should write a manifesto and how to make this a team effort. Case Studies - is there a recipe?